Through its activities, the Center for Social Partnership aims to increase social inclusion by satisfying public interests, involving children, youth and other persons in the implementation of regional, national, international programs, in education, health, social, cultural and other fields. We strengthen the NGO sector at regional, national and international levels.
1. strengthen the NGO sector at regional, national and international level;
2. organise cultural education activities and art therapy, inviting lectors, experts, trainers in culture methods;
3. develop adult non-formal education initiatives through Erasmus+ projects and other project activities;
4. provide psychological, social, legal and other services to children, young people and individuals (family) in crisis situation;
5. ensure the well-being of children, young people and the family;
6. organise the prevention, intervention and postvention activities for the families, children, young people, women, men;
7. provide training to professionals working with children;
8. aim to strengthen equality between men and women;
9. conduct various educational activities for migrants and asylum seekers.


The Social Partnership Center is a public non-profit organization established in 1997. The center’s main activities include prevention projects for children and families in difficult situations, prevention and intervention programs for young people, assistance to children and young people who, due to various risk factors (dangerous peer environment and inappropriate school, community or family influence), may be prone to violence, inappropriately, start using narcotic substances, etc. The Social Partnership Center organizes activities together with volunteers, develops civic participation, promotes social inclusion, contributes to ensuring children’s rights, promoting non-discrimination, and provides responsible and meaningful leisure services for children and youth.

The Social Partnership Center (together with All Saints Parish) implements children’s day center projects financed from the state budget. The projects are designed to help children from poorer, at-risk families, help children integrate into society and develop social skills. Since 1997, the Center for Social Partnership has been implementing projects financed by the EU, the state, and the municipality, cooperating with state and municipal institutions, NGOs, educational and training institutions, and public figures.


Šilutės profesinio mokymo centras

Biržų Aušros pagrindinė mokykla

Lietuvos mokinių neformaliojo ugdymo centras

Andžejaus Stelmachovskio pagrindinė mokykla

Kavarsko miesto biblioteka

Švietimo portalas


Širvintų „Aatžalyno“ progimnazijoje


Pagal pasirašytas bendradarbiavimo sutartis SPC veiklas vykdo visoje Lietuvoje. Bendradarbiavimo sutarčių registre 2020 metais registruotos 28 bendradarbiavimo sutartys visoje Lietuvoje, iš jų: Vilniuje–8, Kaune–2, Utenoje–3, Ukmergėje–1, Anykščių raj.–3, Varėnos raj. –3, Trakų raj. –1, Šalčininkų raj. –2, Švenčionių raj. –1, Širvintų raj–2, Vilkaviškis–1, Marijampolė –1.

Iš 28 bendradarbiavimo sutarčių 14 sudarytos su partneriais iš valstybinio sektoriaus (biudžetinės įstaigos, mokyklos, bibliotekos, aukštosios mokyklos, kultūros, sveikatos, sporto ir kt. sektorių) ir 14 sutarčių sudaryta su nevyriausybinėmis organizacijomis veikiančiomis įvairiose srityse (senelių/vaikų globa, neformalaus švietimo, vaikų ir jaunimo stacionari globa, dirba su emigrantais ir kt.).

Per 2022 metus sudarytos 2 bendradarbiavimo sutartys.